is part of Best-Fix B.V. and specialy ment to give clear information about carton closing and closing other packaging.
The people at Best-Fix have over 25 years of experience in fastening techniques. Whether it comes to equipment or different posibilities in fasteners, we always have a solution for everything.
Carton Closing Techniques
Cartons can be closed in different ways; by example with staples, tape, glue (hotmelt) or with straps.
We prefer closing with staples, because it is the fastest, most economic and environment frienldly way.
- The carton closing staples can simply be removed with a staple remover, so boxes can be reused
- Closing carton boxes with staples means less problems in humit environments and the staples are not sensitive for temperature
- Staples are also a kind of prevention for theft, because you can always see or the staples have been removed.
- And last but not least are staples the most environment friendly way of closing a box: A carton box designed for closing with staples needs much less carton than a carton folding box and (metal) staples are easy to separate from carton!